Manufactured in North Carolina

Made right here

First Flight Venture Center - Hangar6

6 Davis Dr.
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,  27709

Contact Info

Phone: 919-354-1080

About Our Company

Primary Industry Classification: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Secondary Industry Classification: Administration of Economic Programs
Number of Employees: 7
Hangar6 was created by the First Flight Venture Center (FFVC), North Carolina’s foremost science and technology business incubator. With a focus on High Science-High Impact, in the past 30 years, FFVC has helped launch more than 400 companies with a combined value in excess of $8B. By adding Hangar6, First Flight Venture Center is providing access to manufacturing equipment, workspaces and a community of like-minded people and experienced technologists—all the resources you need to get your ideas off the napkin and into the marketplace.

Our Capabilities

Engineering and Design

What Makes Us Unique

Equipment List:
Delivery Radius: Anywhere in the world
Other: Located in North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park, Hangar6 offers entrepreneurs, start-ups and businesses a local prototyping space to build prototypes for manufacturing on their own schedule.

Industries We Serve

Professional Services
Specializing in advanced prototypes
With a typical monthly production volume of 
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