Electroswitch Electronic Products
2010 Yonkers Road
Raleigh, North Carolina,
Contact Info
About Our Company
Primary Industry Classification:
Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing
Electroswitch Electronic Products was established in 1986 as a unit of Electro Switch Corporation, which was founded in 1946. Electroswitch Electronic Products designs and manufactures high quality switch products for electronic applications. Today, customers can choose from the industry's widest range of standard and custom electromechanical switches. With skilled, experienced design engineers, Electroswitch Electronic Products has the unique ability to offer custom designed switches to precisely fit virtually any customer requirement in hundreds of applications. Electroswitch Electronic Products is committed to supplying its customers with quality, selection, product innovation and outstanding support - all of which are trademarks of Electroswitch.
Our Brands
Our Capabilities
What Makes Us Unique
Industries We Serve
Specializing in Rotary switches and solenoids
With a typical monthly production volume of 1 - 100,000
Specializing in Lever, Rocker, Toggle switches
With a typical monthly production volume of 1 - 100,000
Specializing in Encoders and digital switches
With a typical monthly production volume of 1 - 100,000